Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

bahasa inggris menggunakan tense

1. Simple present tense:digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang
Rumus :positive
·         i ,you,we, they + verb 1
·         he,she,it  + verb 1 +s/es
·         i  hard beat andi
·         he speaks  english very well
 rumus : negative
·         i ,you,we, they + do not  +  verb 1
·         he,she,it  + does not  + verb 1
·         i don’t understand the answer
·         she doesn’t speak english
rumus :dalam kalimat tanya
·         do  + i ,you,we, they + verb 1
·         does + he,she,it  + verb 1 +s/es
contoh :
·         do you bring book?
·         Does  he buy book ?
2.Present continus tense
    Rumus positif
·         i+am+verb ing
·         you,we,they+are+verb ing
·         he,she it +is+verb ing
Rumus negatif
·         i+am not+verb ing
·         you,we,they+are not+verb ing
·         he,she it +is not+verb ing
Rumus pertanyaan
·         are+ you,we,they+ verb ing?
·         Is + he,she,it+ verb ing

3. Simple past tense
Rumus positif
·         You,he,she,it,they,i, + verb2
Rumus Negatif                                   
·         You,he,she,it,they,i, + did not  + verb 1
Rumus pertanyan
·         Did+You,he,she,it,they,i,  + verb 1?

4 Past continus tense
Rumus positif
·         I,he,she,it+was+verb ing
·         You,we,they+were+verb ing

Rumus negatif
·         he,she,it+was not+verb ing
·         You,we,they+were not+verb ing

Rumus pertanyaan
·         was+he,she,it+verb ing
·         were+You,we,they+were+verb ing

5. Future Tense
  Rumus positive
I,you,he,she,it,they,we+shall/will+verb 1

6. Future continuous
Rumus positif
I,you,he,she,it,they,we+shall/will+be+verb ing

7. Present perfect  tense
    I,you,we,they + have + verb 3
    He,she,it + has + verb 3

8.Present perfect  continuous tense
     I,you,we,they + have been + verb ing
      He,she,it + has been + verb ing
9. Past perfect tense
     I,you,he,she,it,they,we+had+be+verb 3

10.past perfect continuous tense
I,you,he,she,it,they,we+had been+be+verb ing

11. future peerfect tense
 I, we +will/shall+have+verb 3
You,he,she,it+will+have+verb 3
12. future perfect continuous tense
       I,we+shall/will+be+have been verb ing

       You,they,he,she,it+will+be+have been verb ing

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